
I have a polished exterior Little do they know All the feelings I keep bottled up. My cork is on tight, But sometimes I spill myself When I’m full and can’t hold it in. The liquid I keep inside of my bottle Isn’t the most pleasant thing. It’s a jumble of memories from experiences I’dContinue reading “Bottle”

New Beginnings (and Happy New Year!)

Happy New Year, dear humans! Hope you enjoy this special post! A blank canvas spread out before me, As pure as untouched snow. As I surveyed the vast nothingness, I wondered–where should I go? What should I be, given a chance To start anew… So I walked away from the canvas, Choosing to leave itContinue reading “New Beginnings (and Happy New Year!)”


I. physical A large quiet world, Suddenly, sharp sensation, Then gone–sweet relief. II. emotional World is off kilter Hurt feelings refuse to go– Lost soul, broken heart. III. physical/emotional (take your pick) Can pain take a life? My suffering makes me think– Is it worth living?